bulwrk  Jun 20, 2008 • 8:48:30am

Walrus stampede is the best.

SalsaNChips  Jun 20, 2008 • 9:25:21am

Earth to explode!
Killer Cornflakes!
Jets Fall From Sky!

blangwort  Jun 20, 2008 • 12:41:51pm

And former Vice Presidents look smart!

sadatoni  Jun 20, 2008 • 1:27:18pm

Considering we’ve been cooling for around 10 years, this is funny.

mattm  Jun 20, 2008 • 8:16:04pm

I like how “arctic ice shrinks” and “arctic ice grows” are next to each other. It is sad that so many people fall for this steaming pile of BS

nikis-knight  Jun 24, 2008 • 3:50:17pm

I’m worried about more tabasco tragedies, but unfortunately my spanish isn’t good enough to read the link.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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